I heard that it's possible to become a real Slovene only after getting on top of Triglav, the highest mountain on Slovenia. Now I did it! ;-)
On Sunday morning me, Balazs (Hungarian long-term EVS volunteer in Ljubljana) and Sanja (from Novo Mesto) started the way towards Uskovnica, where the hiking trip began.
There it is, Triglav... We are on the way there! |
On the first day we walked till Krederica hut via Vodnikov dom, where we had a break for lunch (delicious risotto cooked before).
On the evening all of us were pretty tired, so after our sandwich+hot cacao -"dinner" it was time to go to sleep...
On Krederica hut - tired but happy! |
An awesome sunset, and the temperature was around 10-15c - chilly. |
...And on the next morning we were probably the last ones waking up. :-D
For the second day's hike the route was more steeper than the way till Krederica. By holding on chains, wires and rocks, we were more likely climbing than walking first up till Mali Triglav (small Triglav) and then to the top of Triglav.
I guess we can confess that we were a bit scared on the way, but getting on top cleared our minds of all thoughts. The view was AWESOME! I have never seen that amount of high mountains. We were also really lucky with weather - it was sunny, so not even so cold and the sky was quite clear. What can I say... breathtaking! :-)
Heli (FIN), Sanja (SLO), Balazs (HU) ---->>>> ALL SLOVENES NOW ;-) |
A bit of joking... :P |
For the way down we chose the other way and had a break on Dom Planika mountain hut.
From there we continued the way till Vodnikov Dom, where we stayed the second night. The people working there were really friendly and helpful and the cottage was really cozy. I really loved that place and could spend a whole week there <3 :-) Unfortunately on the next morning we had to keep on going.
Vodnikov dom |
Haha, this was funny situation. Our new friend, Kerry the Cow was really friendly and sympathetic, sleeping on the grass... Untill she got up and we saw how big she is! |
Vodnikov dom with the great view on Triglav |
The last day's hike (Tuesday) was short and easy (even though muscles were getting quite painful) - around 3-4 hours back to Uskovnica.
Planning which way to choose for going down
YAHOOOO! We survived ;-) |
Our deserved drinks - Radlers and my half a liter milk... even becoming Slovene, I still didn't forget my Finnish habits :-) |
When we got down, we still had a lot of time so we decided to go swimming in Lake Bohinj. Water was chilly and refreshing, just what we needed after exhausting 3-days hike.
On the trip we were really lucky - perfect weather, no accidents and all together everything was fine! It was also the best place to escape busy life in the middle of nature. This will be one of the experiences which I will never forget. :-)
Pictures: Balázs Kajor