Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Youth forum in Padova

From Saturday to Tuesday, 11.-14.5.2013 I was in Italy, Padova. There was a youth forum (Youth in Action -program) of water issues in Europe. In the forum there were around 80 people from five countries; Italy, Spain, France, Belgium and Slovenia. Because few people cancelled from Slovenia, I participated the Slovene delegation. In the same group there were also Balazs from Hungary (also doing EVS in Slovenia) and Ivano from Italy.

The idea of this forum was that all delegations were mixed and divided into five working groups. We were talking about different topics of water issues:

1. Recognition of water as a common good and a human right and participation of citizens in water issues

2. Balance of the WFD and other European water policies: achievements and good practices

3. Revision of the WFD: the Blueprint

4. Water privatization processes in Europe

5. The alternatives: a new European Youth Movement for Water

After all we wrote a document of each topics and then collected all the ideas together. Now our aim is to create a good network which could also connect some organisations which already exist.

One day we also had a flashmob in the middle of the city.
"Water is a human right!"

The symbols of powers (altered logos of companies dealing with privatized water)

Water drops survived!

"I defend the right to water"

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